A lot of rain fell on the Wallingford area as the result of Hurricane Irene. Official records indicate that 5.7 inches of rain came down Saturday 8/27 and Sunday 8/28.
I was wondering, what does 5.7 inches of rain represent, how many gallons of water does that translate into? So what follows is a breakdown of just what all that rainfall means in some different terms.
Using the known size of Nether Providence Township, which for illustrative purposes also will represent the area of Wallingford, at 4.7 square miles or 3,008 acres.
1 inch of rain on 1 acre produces 27,154 gallons of water, in weight that is 113 tons of rain!
The 3,008 acres of the township multiplied by 27,154 gallons per acre is:
81,679,232 – over 81 million gallons of water per inch of rain
With a total of 5.7 inches that the storm dumped on the township the rainfall represented in gallons is:
465,571,622 Gallons Of Water
Over 465 million gallons of rainwater fell on the township during the storm!
Enough water to fill 705 Olympic sized swimming pools at 660,000 gallons each!
1,937,452 Tons Of Water
That translates into 3,874,905,600 pounds of water – almost 3.9 billion pounds!
I think you will agree this is an awesome amount of rainfall, in many different terms, that we witnessed during Hurricane Irene.