The choice of a color scheme is a home is a very personal decision, sometimes too personal. Research has shown that the colors in a home greatly effect a potential buyer’s opinion about a home. One of the most offending home color choices is bright lemon yellow.
Bright lemon yellow is the most fatiguing color. Why? The answer comes from the physics of light and optics. More light is reflected by bright colors, resulting in excessive stimulation of the eyes. Therefore, yellow is an eye irritant. Yellow in abundance can have a negative effect on people’s mood. If it is to be used at all it should be used sparingly, as a accent. Since yellow is the most visible of all colors it is used in situations where eye catching is the goal, in traffic signs, and yes in Weichert Realtors yard signs.
Some once trendy colors, such as dark red, which seems to be a favorite color of dining or living rooms, is fading in popularity. I have always thought it was a poor color selection since it definitely tends to make a room appear smaller.
An all white kitchen can look fresh and clean but can come off as a bit to sterile for some people’s tastes. If you have such a color scheme, liven it up with some darker accent colors to create visual interest.
Most sellers make the statement that it is only paint and it is easy to change, but I would say that I have seen some very negative reactions to vivid and personal color schemes, that indicate the buyer can not see past the color.
You do not have to shy away from color in your home, but keep in mind that color in a buyer’s eyes can be quite different that color in your eyes.
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