Spring is here, and with it the return of outdoor activities. As the season changes from winter to spring, homeowners should be sure to complete several key maintenance tasks that can help prevent structural damage, save energy and keep a home’s systems running properly.
When you have some free time on the next Spring weekend, here are some household maintenance activities that are worth your time to undertake:
– Inspect your roof, chimney and siding for winter damage. Look for and replace any loose shingles, bricks or boards. This is also a good time to clean your siding with some soap and water from the garden hose.
– Ensure gutters are free of leaves, sticks and other debris. Do it yourself by clearing the muck and then flushing the gutters with water to make sure they drain properly, or hire a professional gutter cleaner.
– Have your air-conditioning unit serviced, change your air filters and vacuum out your floor registers. The first really hot day is not the day you want to find out your air conditioning no longer works.
– Make sure your children’s outdoor play equipment is still safe to use. Tighten bolts, remove any sharp edges or splinters that are sticking up, and clean off any mold growth.
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